Boardwalk Corvettes of Atlantic City
2022 Calendar of Events
This is a brief list of events which the Club either hosts or usually attends.
Other events are added month to month -
some are just Club Members others are open to all Vette owners
Other events are added month to month -
some are just Club Members others are open to all Vette owners
January - Club Mtg/Party
May - Club Mtg
Club Trip September - OC Show
Ciocca Toys 4 Tots Club BBQ |
February - Club Mtg
June - Club Mtg
Spring Fling Car Show October - Club Mtg
Tri-State Peddler's Village Show |
March - Club Mtg
Club Day Cruise July - Club Mtg
Ice Cream Cruise November - Club Mtg
April - Club Mtg
Club Day Cruise August - Club Mtg
Overnight Cruise (varies) December -
Celebrate the Holidays |
January 2022
February 2022
Feb 5 - Saturday 6pm - Club Member Holiday Party ~~ Club Members Only
Feb 13 - Sunday 6:30pm - Super Bowl LVI
Feb 14 - Monday - Happy Valentine's Day
Feb 13 - Sunday 6:30pm - Super Bowl LVI
Feb 14 - Monday - Happy Valentine's Day
March 2022
March 3rd - Thursday - Club Meeting - Oyster Creek Inn
6pm to Eat... 7pm for the Meeting
March 13 - 2am - Daylight Savings begins - Clocks ahead 1 hour
March 17th - Thursday - Happy St.Patrick's Day
March 19th - Saturday - Cruise to Morgantown Classic Auto Mall
with Tri-State Corvettes
6pm to Eat... 7pm for the Meeting
March 13 - 2am - Daylight Savings begins - Clocks ahead 1 hour
March 17th - Thursday - Happy St.Patrick's Day
March 19th - Saturday - Cruise to Morgantown Classic Auto Mall
with Tri-State Corvettes
April 2022
April 7th - Thursday - Club Meeting - Cousin Mario's
5:30pm to Eat & Socialize, 7pm Meeting will start
April 9th - Saturday - Cruise to Hershey Antique Auto Museum with Tri-State Corvettes
April 16th - Saturday - Happy Passover
April 17 - Sunday - Happy Easter
April 18th - Monday - Your Taxes are Due
5:30pm to Eat & Socialize, 7pm Meeting will start
April 9th - Saturday - Cruise to Hershey Antique Auto Museum with Tri-State Corvettes
April 16th - Saturday - Happy Passover
April 17 - Sunday - Happy Easter
April 18th - Monday - Your Taxes are Due
maY 2022
May 5th - Thursday - Club Mtg - Location Cousin Mario's
5:30pm to Eat & Socialize, 7pm Meeting will start
May 8th - Happy Mother's Day
May 11th - 15th Vermont Vette Voyage
* * * *Have A Great Trip* * * *
May 30th - Monday - Happy Memorial Day
5:30pm to Eat & Socialize, 7pm Meeting will start
May 8th - Happy Mother's Day
May 11th - 15th Vermont Vette Voyage
* * * *Have A Great Trip* * * *
May 30th - Monday - Happy Memorial Day
june 2022
June 2nd - Thursday - Club Meeting -
Location: Romanelli's Garden Cafe - Galloway, NJ
5:30pm to eat and socialize. 7pm Meeting will start.
June 11th - Saturday - Spring Fling A GM Thing Car Show
Smithville, NJ
June 19th - Happy Father's Day
Location: Romanelli's Garden Cafe - Galloway, NJ
5:30pm to eat and socialize. 7pm Meeting will start.
June 11th - Saturday - Spring Fling A GM Thing Car Show
Smithville, NJ
June 19th - Happy Father's Day
July 2022
There will be no July Club Meeting
July 4th - Monday 9am - Galloway Independence Day Parade - Smithville Square
Meet 7:45am in Romanelli's parking lot - parade starts at 9am. Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
July 9th - Saturday Night - Ice Cream Cruise - Cruising out to Here's The Scoop Ice Cream Shop in Franklinville, NJ
4:00pm in Boscov's parking lot (EHT) then cruising to Franklinville.
5:00pm meeting at Here's The Scoop to share a milkshake with some of the other south Jersey Corvette Clubs
Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
- Lakes Corvette Club and Original Garden State Corvette Club will be joining us
July 4th - Monday 9am - Galloway Independence Day Parade - Smithville Square
Meet 7:45am in Romanelli's parking lot - parade starts at 9am. Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
July 9th - Saturday Night - Ice Cream Cruise - Cruising out to Here's The Scoop Ice Cream Shop in Franklinville, NJ
4:00pm in Boscov's parking lot (EHT) then cruising to Franklinville.
5:00pm meeting at Here's The Scoop to share a milkshake with some of the other south Jersey Corvette Clubs
Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
- Lakes Corvette Club and Original Garden State Corvette Club will be joining us
august 2022
August 4th 5:30pm - Club Meeting Bar-B-Que at Gary P's house.
Email for details.[email protected]
Going to be a BBQ - Bring chairs, sunscreen and bug spray.
August 20th Saturday 10am - Cruise to Vintage Automobile Museum of NJ in Pt. Pleasant NJ.
Then Lunch/Dinner at Mantoloking Road Alehouse. For more details, contact Nissan Bob
August 25th thru 27th - Corvettes at Carlisle, Carlisle, PA.
Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
August 26th thru 28th - Atlantic City Car Auction & Car Show - Atlantic City Convention Center
This event has been cancelled and is being rescheduled for Feb 2023.
Email for details.[email protected]
Going to be a BBQ - Bring chairs, sunscreen and bug spray.
August 20th Saturday 10am - Cruise to Vintage Automobile Museum of NJ in Pt. Pleasant NJ.
Then Lunch/Dinner at Mantoloking Road Alehouse. For more details, contact Nissan Bob
August 25th thru 27th - Corvettes at Carlisle, Carlisle, PA.
Let me know if you are attending. Nissan Bob
August 26th thru 28th - Atlantic City Car Auction & Car Show - Atlantic City Convention Center
This event has been cancelled and is being rescheduled for Feb 2023.
september 2022
September 3rd - Saturday - 1pm - Woodstock South - Club Members Only
September 5th - Monday - Happy Labor Day
September 11th - Sunday - Ocean City Boardwalk show - A Day At The Beach Corvette Style.
Show is Sold Out and there is no Wait List or Day Of the show registration.
September 24th - Saturday 11am - Ciocca Corvettes of AC - Toys For Tots Corvette Caravan -
September 24th - Saturday 10am - Sweetwater River Deck - Corvette Day
Meeting up with the Beach Bums, Lakes Corvettes & Original Garden State Corvettes for lunch and show in Sweetwater, NJ - Sweetwater River Deck
September 5th - Monday - Happy Labor Day
September 11th - Sunday - Ocean City Boardwalk show - A Day At The Beach Corvette Style.
Show is Sold Out and there is no Wait List or Day Of the show registration.
September 24th - Saturday 11am - Ciocca Corvettes of AC - Toys For Tots Corvette Caravan -
September 24th - Saturday 10am - Sweetwater River Deck - Corvette Day
Meeting up with the Beach Bums, Lakes Corvettes & Original Garden State Corvettes for lunch and show in Sweetwater, NJ - Sweetwater River Deck
october 2022
October 9th - Sunday - Tri-State Corvette Association Peddler's Village show
Due to a storm on Oct 2nd, the show is using the RainDate of Oct 9th.
October 6th - Thursday - Club Meeting. Location Shore Diner EHT, NJ.
Dinner and Socialize at 5:30pm. Meeting at 7pm
October 10th - Monday - Columbus Day
October 22nd - Saturday - Club Cruise and lunch. Short cruise out to Mullica Hill, NJ for lunch at the Harrison House diner and then to Rosie's Farm Market for some tasty desserts.
October 27th - Oct.31st - Tri-State Corvette Association - Trip to Gatlinburg, TN.
October 31st - Monday - Happy Halloween
Due to a storm on Oct 2nd, the show is using the RainDate of Oct 9th.
October 6th - Thursday - Club Meeting. Location Shore Diner EHT, NJ.
Dinner and Socialize at 5:30pm. Meeting at 7pm
October 10th - Monday - Columbus Day
October 22nd - Saturday - Club Cruise and lunch. Short cruise out to Mullica Hill, NJ for lunch at the Harrison House diner and then to Rosie's Farm Market for some tasty desserts.
October 27th - Oct.31st - Tri-State Corvette Association - Trip to Gatlinburg, TN.
October 31st - Monday - Happy Halloween
november 2022
November 3rd - Thursday - Club Meeting. Location: Oyster Creek Restaurant and Boat Bar.
Dinner and Socialize at 5:30pm. Meeting at 7pm.
November 5th - Saturday 8am - Flemings Pumpkin Run - EHT, NJ
November 6th - Sunday 2am - Daylight Savings Time begins - Fall back an hour
November 24th - Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving
Dinner and Socialize at 5:30pm. Meeting at 7pm.
November 5th - Saturday 8am - Flemings Pumpkin Run - EHT, NJ
November 6th - Sunday 2am - Daylight Savings Time begins - Fall back an hour
November 24th - Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving
december 2022
December 1st - Thursday - Club Meeting - Location TBD - Dinner and Socialize 5:30pm. Meeting at 7:00pm
December 6th - Monday - Happy Kwanzaa
December 18th - Sunday - Happy Hanukah
December 25th - Sunday - Merry Christmas
December 6th - Monday - Happy Kwanzaa
December 18th - Sunday - Happy Hanukah
December 25th - Sunday - Merry Christmas